Cloud Computing Services

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Cloud Computing Solutions

The term cloud computing is almost a “mythical phrase to the non tech” in “the cloud” it’s not tangible can’t touch or see it, it’s up in the clouds and all around us so henceforth the phrase cloud computing. To put it simply cloud computing is simply internet based access of data and software application programs over the Internet that are not stored on your computer.

In cloud computing the information and software is not stored on your hard drive, instead it is stored on large computer networks accessible via the Internet. With a traditional computer you have a hard drive and all the information software and processing power is provided by your computer

Cloud computing gives you the advantage of utilizing huge infrastructural computer networks and mainframe centres or supercomputers to run your business.

Service providers offer different services such as real time data storage and backup and disaster recovery. Application usage where you use software application online without owning or installing the applications on your computer. Services such as these are paid for on a month to month basis and enable you to expand and shrink as needed. The other advantage is that you always have access to the latest software upgrades at no additional cost.

Cloud computing uses supercomputers or high performance computer processing networks normally used by military and research facilities to perform complex tasks. A business can now harness that power to perform everyday tasks that a company may need this enables software to run at very high processing power which would normally be too costly for small to medium-sized businesses

Cloud computing gives businesses the freedom to be mobile working from remote sites across the world accessing skills and resources wherever they may be needed. Organizations can react to changing economic conditions and take advantage of fast moving trends. Increased reaction and recovery from natural disasters and cyber crime means that there is minimal disruption to business operations

Software as a Service or SaaS

A cloud computing model that provides a Software as a Service allows companies and individuals to access software vital to their business or career at a cost fare less than paying for licensed applications since SaaS pricing is based on a monthly fee.

Platform as a Service or PaaS

A cloud computing model that provides applications over the Internet, hardware and software on its own infrastructure. Organizations are able to develop and run a new application in a cost effective manner.

Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS

A cloud computing model that provides a computer infrastructure, such as virtualization, being delivered as a service. IaaS is popular in a data center where software and servers are purchased as a fully outsourced service and usually billed on usage and volume of resources used


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